Mythbusting Preloved: The Truth Behind Secondhand

I’ve heard so many silly and just plain illogical reasons from anti-thrifters for NOT shopping secondhand that I thought a wee bit of an educational video was in order. Meet my amusing cast of characters and …

Is it really sustainable? Find out with Rank a Brand!

Are you trying to shop ethical? Not sure whether your fave designers & products are sustainable? Discover the truth behind high-end labels,  fast fashion brands & more with Rank a Brand! (Rank a Brand has …

My Fave No Sew Fabrics

There’s nothing better than a quick and easy project that involves absolutely zero sewing! Luckily there’s more than a few fab fabrics that can be chopped up and worked with without resulting in those awful …

Fashion Revolution asked what consumers want from brands

Fashion Revolution recently commissioned a survey of 5,000 people aged 16-75 in the five largest European markets, including Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, to find out how supply chain transparency and sustainability impacts …