Aerie Swim Review & Try-On (size large)

Trying to find the perfect swimsuit is an adventure in frustration that can absolutely mess with your self esteem. Sizes that vary greatly from brand to brand, styles that are impossible to put on, fitting …

How to Dress Like a Celeb for Free

As my thrifty celeb copycat looks are so popular I’m sharing a quick peek at the behind-the-scenes of exactly how I recreate my eco-outfit tributes + my tips for how to dress like a celeb …

Why Do Thrift Shops Smell?

I recently gave a presentation about the awesomeness of sustainable secondhand fashion and, during the Q&A, was shocked to hear that not only do people bypass preloved garments because they (falsely) believe them to be …

Fast Fashion’s Dirty Laundry

Believe or not, I was once like millions of other bargain hunting fashionistas. A thrift & charity shop lover who was also on the lookout for the best deals at the mall. I would proudly …

Preloved Party Looks for Pennies!

Need some eco-fashion inspiration for fab festivities? Take a peek at my Preloved Party Looks for Pennies & discover how to create your own unique sustainable style without breaking the bank!

Refashioning 101 with Frau Ingebörg

Frau Ingebörg thinks you need Refashioning 101 in your life! Have a giggle at my quick and quirky video, grab all of the book details and download your copy below!