Shhh… this is my first ever ASMR video! Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of upcycling – tapping, crinkling, fabric scratching, and page flipping – as I unveil my latest book, Fabulous Upcycled Outerwear! In …

Shhh… this is my first ever ASMR video! Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of upcycling – tapping, crinkling, fabric scratching, and page flipping – as I unveil my latest book, Fabulous Upcycled Outerwear! In …
Celebrate being 50 & fabulous with me and take a tour of my amazing vintage refashioned dress collection: All of the tutorials & links mentioned in the video can be found right here! Give …
Are you among the growing number of Canadians conscious of the sustainability practices behind their fashion purchases? If so, you’re not alone: many people are buying more eco-friendly products for environmental conservation. While several fashion …
I challenged myself to put together an outfit for less than $10 from the thrift shop & a fast fashion store – check out what I scored + my thoughts on thrift vs fast fashion …
Discover how to create your own affordable, sustainable style with my Refashioning 101 eCourse! DIY an eco-fashion wardrobe you’ll feel great wearing + use all of the techniques and tutorials you’ve learned to start your …
Discover exactly how I switch from my Fall/Winter wardrobe to Spring/Summer, what to do with unwanted items, how I pack/store my seasonal wardrobe + share a whole heap of tips & tricks too! Find …
Let’s chat about the first step in refashioning: seeing potential in those preloved items! I also have a fab 2 for 1 tutorial for you too! Create a statement necklace & a bell sleeved top …
Transform those frumpy frocks lurking at the back of your closet into wardrobe faves with my 15 easy refashions! Grab all of the tutorials mentioned below and let me know which ones are your …
Why the heck do so many people continue to think that the laundered clothing donated to thrift and charity shops is somehow dirtier and less hygienic that a “new” garment that has travelled through many …
Want to create your own sustainable style but don’t know how to begin? Here are my top tips for getting started refashioning your own wardrobe + 12 easy DIYs too! Grab the links to …