Rosacea is the worst and attempting to discover what works to alleviate those pesky pustules and burning rosy cheeks is a nightmare of trial and error experiments.
I’m constantly on the hunt for lotions, potions and helpful hints to soothe my poor rosacea skin and thought it was time to try a little something my dermatologist recommended:
Check out the results of my DIY Rosacea Skincare Detox below:
Slice a knuckle of fresh ginger and peel and squeeze the zest and juice from a fresh lemon.
Throw it all into a litre and a half of water and allow to steep until it reaches your desired flavour.
Ginger and lemon contain loads of vitamins and antioxidants that boost digestion which can improve skin quality. The infused water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that may help treat and prevent skin infections as well as those annoying rosacea pustules.
Let’s see if it works:
As I usually drink a full liter and half container of water every day I simply replaced the plain water with the lemon & ginger infused version, refilled the container and popped it in the fridge before bed each night. (I replaced the lemon & ginger once a week)
I didn’t see too much of a difference after the first few days although I did notice a couple new pustules had formed, blech!
The pustules were disappearing after a full week but the redness was still sticking around.
After 2 full weeks there isn’t a pustule in sight and the redness has seemed to fade a bit.
I honestly have no idea if the lemon and ginger infused water is helping my rosacea or not (my clearer skin could simply the result of finally finding the right combination of skincare products) however it tastes great and keeps me hydrated so I’ll definitely continue with it!
Take a peek at my Living with Rosacea category and learn what happened when lasers met my face, discover my honest rosacea product reviews as well as my gentle rosacea make-up removing routine.
Got a rosacea tale to tell? Go ahead and share it in the comments below!
i thought i remembered something about ginger and lemon and anti-inflammatory something or other. being the google queen i am, i had to go look. sure enough–anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial/anti-viral. don’t know if you’ve considered adding turmeric or cinnamon, but they’re good too. further googling turned up this recipe. i’ve been spared rosacea, but i struggle with fibromyalgia and arthritis, so i’m going to give the tea a try–no side effects, unlike many of the medications i’ve used over the years. and if it doesn’t work? i’ll still have iced tea.
one more thing: you are beautiful with and without makeup. just thought you should know!
Unfortunately I’m allergic to turmeric and cinnamon causes my rosacea to breakout, ugh There are so many infused water recipes I’d love to try but my insane list of rosacea triggers means I gotta stick to fairly bland versions – the ginger and lemon does taste fab though! Cheers for lovely compliment, you’ve made my week!