Tote bags, handbags, shopping bags, shoulder bags, duffel bags, evening bags, gift bags…the list of unnecessarily necessary bags we hoard to carry our stuff about is pretty darn endless.
Raid your refashioning stash, create an upcycled bag or two for November’s Refashion challenge and share your groovy results with my Gone Thrifting group!
Snag some inspiration from my fave upcycled bag tutes below!
Grab a vintage table runner and whip up an instant needlepoint clutch!
Refashion two less than stellar items with my easy upcycled sweater bag!
Create a quirky gift bag from a leftover bath puff…? Yup!
I’ve come up with 3 DIY methods for adding chain straps to those fab vintage clutches in your collection.
A quick fix for a missing purse strap.
A couple of thrifted table runners + an old belt combine to make a fab messenger bag!
Let your kiddo create a perfectly polished purse!
Chopped boot tops are easily transformed into a sturdy shoulder bag!