Fashion Revolution, in collaboration with On Our Radar and New Internationalist, have created an eye-opening exclusive web documentary: Lives Behind the Label. Through a series of six short films, the women of the Bangladesh garment industry share their stories and reveal their concerns, hopes and dreams.
“We are the garment workers of Bangladesh, there are almost five million of us, we make the clothes that you wear everyday.”
Click a photo below and meet the people making your fast fashion:
Disclaimer: I am not at all an expert on the big business of fast fashion however I am a concerned consumer who has chosen to learn & share as much as I can through my own personal experiences & the wealth of resources available online.
My ambition to inform & influence others to step away from unethically (& immorally) produced products is the driving force that motivates me to continue providing fabulous free eco-fashion/accessory/decor tutorials, ethical outfit inspiration and helpful thrifting tips on my Confessions of a Refashionista as well as contributing & sharing my creative skills throughout the online maker world.
Find all of my ethical fashion articles here then check out my E-courses right over here:
and transform your entire wardrobe for pennies with my groovy CoaR tutorial E-book collections right here: