There’s nothing easier or breezier or more comfortable than yoga gear:
’tis awesome for lounging, thrifting and yes, even doing some relaxing yoga!
Here’s the deets behind my restful ensemble:
Yoga pants (thrifted) €4 – Batik Tank Top (thrifted & refashioned) €0.50 – Yoga Tank (thrifted) €1
Total cost: €5.50
Love it when we can find great ‘as is’ items, as well as refashions. Like your fancy photos!
Yep, thrifting karma was definitely with me when I scored those awesome yoga pants
(my graphic design skills are an absolute plus when the weather is uncooperative for outdoor photos)
Sheri, even though I’m nowhere near refashioning the too large wardrobe in my closet, I started hitting up the local thrift stores. You never mentioned how addictive it is or how many things are ready to wear as is! I don’t think I’ll ever need to go to a “regular” store again – except for thread! My friends can’t believe some of the treasures I’m finding, so I’m accidentally starting my own local nation. And some of your photos in this post make your hair bun look like a little halo. Thanks for all the inspiration.I open your posting notifications before personal emails now.
I’m super chuffed that I can help to inspire your thrifty, unique sustainable style! Thrift shops are most definitely a treasure trove of awesomeness