thrilled to the gills & a squeee!

My glorious skirt, created by the ludicrously talented Lisa of Cucicucicoo, has arrived, bringing with it much joy & a brilliant surprise gift for my munchkin:

How funkilicously fabulous is that?!

Words cannot express how absolutely awesome my new skirt is…I freaking lurv it!

Can you guess what genius lurks in this adorable kidlet roll that kept my skirt company on the exciting journey from Italy to Germany?

Meine Güte, ist das toll?! An über clever travel chalkboard complete with eraser & chalk! Ingenious!

…and here’s another look at my groovy skirt – paired with my multi-button-cuff sweater, tights, army boots & fabulous new birthday hat (courtesy of the munchkin)

A massive Grazie mille! to Lisa + a huge Canadian bear hug & sloppy wet German kiss!

*Pop over to Lisa’s blog for fab’ refashions, kidlet crafts, upcycling ideas, quirky humour and a generous dose of spicy Italian!

…and here’s what I created for her (& her scrumptiously adorable kidlets)

all the tutes!

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